Dancing among the raindrops

Margarita participated in an international training course on project visibility and dissemination of the results, which we organized in August this year. At that time, she represented our partner organization, the Yellow Sheep Foundation. It turned out that Margarita likes to be involved in various cultural and artistic events, and dance has a special place in her life. Today, let's delve deeper into this topic and try to answer the question of whether dance is for everyone.

HEureka Generator: Hello Margarita. We met this year at an international training course, where it turned out that you really like to dance. Moreover, you do it professionally. We would like to ask you a few questions about your passion. What do you think?

Margarita Zimak:
Yes, I would love to share my dance story.

HG: You are a very young person, so you probably started dancing as a child? How did your adventure with dance start?

MZ: I started dancing from the age of three. My adventure with dance began when my parents enrolled me and my brother in a national dance class at school called 'Joy'. My brother quit the class but I continue my passion until now.

My interest in dancing started when I was watching dance movies with my family and I was already trying to dance then.

HG: Do you need to exercise daily to keep fit? How long does such training take?

MZ: Of course, because daily workouts help me keep fit. Every day I spend two or more hours training to improve my dancing skills. I also do not forget about rest, which is very important as well as training. I try to rest once a week, it helps to regenerate muscles burdened with daily workouts.

HG: Is it possible to avoid injuries while practicing dance? Have you had any serious accidents?

Injuries and various aches and pains are an integral part of the life of a professional dancer. Anyone who wants to practice this sport professionally must be aware of the consequences that are associated with it. As I mentioned before, the injury cannot be avoided. I had a lot of different injuries but the most serious one in my life was connected with the spine. I was recovering for two months after that.
HG: There are many kinds of dance. There are ballroom and solo dances, you can also dance in a group. Which type of dance is your favorite and why?

I am a versatile and flexible person by nature, so I tried many kinds of dance. For most of my professional dance life, I danced in various dance troupes, but when I was 15, I realized that I could fulfill myself completely and pour out my soul in solo dancing.

HG: Do you have any favorite kind of music that you dance to, would you be able to dance to anything?

I can find myself in all kinds of music and I can convey it through dance. Calm music works best for me, and I can dance to it with my favorite classical style.
HG: Do you crate choreography by yourself?

MZ: Yes, I create the choreography myself while dancing, because I like to improvise a lot. Then I can fully express my emotions and feelings, so this is my favorite method. I prepare myself for various festivals and events in advance, creating an appropriate dance story, taken from the song, conveying it with my body.
HG: What is the most unusual place you've ever danced in?

You can dance anywhere, there is no typical place for dance. It only depends on us what place we choose. Recently I fulfilled my little dream dancing in beautiful mountains among warm raindrops.

HG: Do you know any interesting events or festivals that people interested in dancing can take part in?

Most Polish cities host festivals or other various dance events for everyone of all ages. You can also try yourself in TV shows such as "Dance Dance Dance", "Got Talent".

I participated in various festivals, which were mainly held in Kielce, organized by various social organizations. I love to participate in such events because they develop me a lot and open up more opportunities for improvement. I have heard a lot of comforting and motivating words from different people, which gives me even more strength to act.
HG: Apart from dancing for yourself, you also teach children. How did it start? Is it a difficult task?

My work with children started last year, shortly after I signed up for the 'Siemacha spot Kielce' children's facility. Each day of classes there brings fun and interesting situations, because working with children is also fun and an interesting experience for me. My task is to provide children with the necessary knowledge about the basics of dance and gymnastics. Teaching dance to children is not an easy task. It requires a lot of time and dedication. The most important thing is to find the right individual approach to each little dancer.
HG: Do you think anyone can dance, no matter what their skills are? What would you say to those who think they will never learn to dance?

I believe that everyone can dance, but not everyone can dance professionally. Dancing is a sport that requires a lot of sacrifice and even more commitment. With will one can do anything, so if someone really doesn't want to learn to dance, they cannot expect the desired results.

HG: How are you going to further develop your passion?

There are many interesting paths I can take and develop, but I don't want to say more for now until I feel fulfilled in solo dancing where I will continue to train hard to achieve my goal.

HG: Thank you very much for the interview and good luck!