Gazeta Akademicka SKAFANDER - about the youth exchange in Spain
Gazeta Akademicka SKAFANDER - about 'Switch on Active Mode' youth exchange
Gazeta Akademicka SKAFANDER - about 'Let me tell you a story: Help for Ukraine' youth exchange
Nowy Kurier Zamojski - about 'Let me tell you a story: Help for Ukraine' youth exchange
Tygodnik Zamojski - about 'Let me tell you a story: Help for Ukraine' youth exchange
Dziennik Wschodni - about 'Let me tell you a story: Help for Ukraine' youth exchange - about 'Work online with you(th)' training course - about 'Work online with you(th)' training course - about 'LARP it up' youth exchange
Gazeta Akademicka SKAFANDER - about 'LARP it up' youth exchange
FB Fanpage Nowy Kurier Zamojski - about 'LARP it up' youth exchange
Nowy Kurier Zamojski - about 'LARP it up' youth exchange
Katolickie Radio Zamość - broadcast about participation in international projects - about 'We will manage' youth exchange
Nowy Kurier Zamojski - about 'We will manage' youth exchange - about 'We will manage' youth exchange - an interview with Andrzej Smyk, president of HEureka Generator for the website - about 'V&D - Visibility and Dissemination' training course
Gazeta Akademicka SKAFANDER - about 'V&D - Visibility and Dissemination' training course
TVP3 Panorama Lubelska - about 'V&D - Visibility and Dissemination' training course - about 'Make the lead' training course
Gazeta Akademicka SKAFANDER - about 'Make the lead' training course
Gazeta Akademicka SKAFANDER - about 'Make the lead' training course (page 10)
Kurier Zamojski - about 'Make the lead' training course
Gazeta Akademicka SKAFANDER - info about youth exchange online - info about youth exchange online
Katolickie Radio Zamość - program about youth exchange online
Tygodnik Zamojski - info about youth exchange online - info about our new internet site - fotogallery from press converence about our ptoject ''
Nowy Kurier Zamojski - article about the project ''
Radio Lublin - reportage about our project '' - '' press conference record
Tygodnik Zamojski - '' press conference record
info ZAMOŚĆ - '' press conference record
TVP3 Panorama Lubelska - from 12min35sek. news about project 'Let me tell you a story – Grandparents' in regional department of Polish public TV
Kurier Zamojski - news about the project 'Let me tell you a story – Grandparents' - news about the project 'Let me tell you a story – Grandparents'
Kronika Tygodnia - article about the project 'Let me tell you a story – Grandparents'
TVP3 Panorama Lubelska - from 14min49sek. news about project 'Time is on our side' in regional department of Polish public TV
Kurier Zamojski - news about project 'Time is on our side' - news about project 'Time is on our side'
Zamość Online - news about project 'Time is on our side'
Zamojska Telewizja Kablowa - news about international seminar 'Projects are not falling from the sky'
info ZAMOŚĆ - news about international seminar 'Projects are not falling from the sky'
Chelmonline about the project 'You too can 2' in which we were a partner
Kurier Zamojski - news about Human Library event organized by HEureka
Radio Lublin - reportage about Human Library event organized by HEureka
Telewizja Kablowa Zamość - news about Human Library event organized by HEureka
Zamość Online - news about the project 'Talk, Talk'
EZamosc - news about the project 'Talk, Talk' - news about debates tournament in Jagiełło Secondary School
TVP3 Panorama Lubelska - from 16min06sec. news about our seminar 'Let me tell you how to tell the story' in regional department of Polish public TV
Nowytydzień.pl - news about our participation in the youth exchange 'Fix, don't replace' in Latvia
TVP3 Panorama Lubelska - news about our meetings with the local community of the Lubelskie region of Poland during the Polish-Ukrainian youth exchange 'Let's Debate' in regional department of Polish public TV
Radio Lublin - an interview in Radio Lublin about the impressions of the participants of the Polish-Ukrainian youth exchange entitled 'Let's Debate'.
Życie Zamościa - info about youth exchange 'Let's Debate'
Zamość Online - info and interviews with participants and organizers about youth exchange 'Let's Debate'
Kurier Zamojski - news about the project 'Let's Debate'
Zamojska Telewizja Kablowa - an interview connected to 'Let me tell you a story - A whisper of exile' youth exchange
Zamość Online news about the hapeninng and the meeting with the local community in frames of the project 'Let me tell you a story - Whisper of exile'
Dziennik Wschodni news about the hapeninng and the meeting with the local community in frames of the project 'Let me tell you a story - Whisper of exile' news about the hapeninng and the meeting with the local community in frames of the project 'Let me tell you a story - Whisper of exile' news about the hapeninng and the meeting with the local community in frames of the project 'Let me tell you a story - Whisper of exile' - news about the hapeninng and the meeting with the local community in frames of the project 'Let me tell you a story - Whisper of exile'
Zamojska Telewizja Kablowa - reportage about the hapeninng and the meeting with the local community in frames of the project 'Let me tell you a story - Whisper of exile'
TVP3 Lublin - news about the hapeninng and the meeting with the local community in frames of the project 'Let me tell you a story - Whisper of exile' about the participantion of Norwid Secondary School students in the project 'Let me tell you a story – Whisper of exile'
Zamość Online news about the project 'Let me tell you a story – Whisper of exile'
Kronika tygodnia news about the project 'Let me tell you a story – Whisper of exile'
Zamość.pl news about the project 'Let me tell you a story – Whisper of exile'
Radio Lublin - news and interview about the project 'Let me tell you a story – Whisper of exile' news about the project 'Let me tell you a story – Whisper of exile'
Kurier Zamojski news about the project 'Let me tell you a story – Whisper of exile'
Tygodnik Zamojski news about the project 'Let me tell you a story – Whisper of exile'
Nowy tydzień about the project 'Let Me Tell You a Story 4: Stories From Behind The Iron Curtain' in which we were a partner
NORWID Tv about the meeting of the participants of the international seminar 'Progress Generators' with the youth of the Norwid Secondary School in Krasnystwam.
Zamość Online about the international seminar 'Progress Generators' about the international seminar 'Progress Generators'
Zamojska Telewizja Kablowa reportage from the study visit in Zamość during our international seminar 'Progress Generators'
Zamość Online news about study visit organized by HEureka in frames of the contact making seminar 'I will find you' coordinated by Happy Childhood Fundation
TVP Lublin news about study visit organized by HEureka in frames of the contact making seminar 'I will find you' coordinated by Happy Childhood Fundation
Lubartowiak online news about the project 'Keep Talking'
Zamość Online news about the project 'Keep Talking' news about the project 'Keep Talking'
Kurier Zamojski news about the project 'Keep Talking'
Zamojska Telewizja Kablowa news about the preparatory visit in frames of the 'Keep Talking' project