Erasmus+ is the European Union program in the field of education, training, youth and sport - is a continuation of the European educational programs implemented since 1998. Its aim is to support pupils, students, teachers, lecturers and volunteers in conducting international projects focused on increasing their competences. Therefore, also eligible for participation in the program are public and private institutions and organizations that support formal education, non-formal and informal learning of people of all ages.

The programme's European budget for 2021-2027 is EUR 26.2 billion. With the new financial perspective, Erasmus+ has been broadened to become more innovative and inclusive as well as more digital. It will also be of key importance for the creation of the European Education Area planned by 2025, thanks to which the European Union intends, to ensure that all young people have access to education and training of the highest quality, enable learners to move easily between education systems in different countries and give them the opportunity to find work across Europe.

The National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program and its implementer in Poland is the Foundation for the Development of the Education System.

The program creates many opportunities for youth, youth workers, universities and other institutions interested in active participation in the life of the European Union.

Our organization uses these: 

International youth exchange – is a project based on the idea of ​​young people, which young people themselves try to implement using the support of adults. It is important here that young people take as much responsibility into their own hands. The topic of youth exchange can be practically anything young people are interested in. However, it should be remembered that the action prepared in this way will bring benefits not only to the interested parties, but also to indirect recipients. This can be, for example, the entire local community from which the youth in the project comes from or one of the social groups with fewer opportunities, such as youth from villages and small towns.

Training course – is a project where main activity is a meeting of people interested in learning something new that they can use in their daily work in a non-governmental organization, a group of informal youth or other socially useful institution. The training course is conducted by a trainer or a trainers team. The main emphasis here is on the transfer of knowledge from the leading team to the participants.

Seminar - is a project where main activity is the meeting of people with experience in the topic of the meeting and expressing a willingness to share this experience with other participants or to jointly create a new quality. The seminar is conducted by a facilitator or a team of facilitators whose task is to actively participate in facilitating the communication process between participants in order to achieve the assumed, common goal. The main emphasis here is on the transfer of experience between participants. 


Projects implemented by Heureka under the Erasmus+ program are an important part of our organization's activities. We mainly use the possibilities of Key Action 1, which focuses on learning mobility.

As part of this action, together with young HEurekians, members of our organization and our local and foreign partners, we create international youth exchanges, training courses and seminars.

The creation and implementation of youth exchanges is an invaluable opportunity for the youth cooperating with us to develop competences useful in their further life.

By working with peers from other countries, young people can get to know different perspectives on the subject interesting for everyone involved, practice the English language and develop organizational and leadership skills at many levels.

The seminars we create are a part of the long-term work plan of our organization. Thanks to them, we have the opportunity to exchange experiences with our partners from all over Europe. It allows us to take a fresh look at the issues common to our organizations, to gradually develop and operate more effectively.

During training courses, we teach our partners what we consider ourselves to be experts in. As a result, the methods and issues we create and develop find their way to new ground, have a stronger impact on our target groups and create an opportunity for us to continue working not only locally, but also internationally.

Working methods