In 2023, we continued our international activities under the accreditation received in the "Youth" field of the Erasmus+ program.
As part of the accreditation, we organized:
Magic Library Youth Exchange
Development through initiatives Youth Exchange
Realms of imagination Training Course
UnFrozen_Spotlights: Winter theater games Training Course
These activities involved 96 participants from Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Romania, Estonia, Croatia, Ukraine, Turkey, and Hungary. These individuals represented 12 of our partner organizations from abroad. The youth exchanges provided an engaging way for young people associated with our organization and our local partners to develop their skills and deeply explore the non-formal education methods we use. The training courses contributed to the expansion and strengthening of our international partnerships. They also positively impacted the long-term planning of future activities with our partners.
On November 30, 2023, we completed a 15-month project titled Become ECOnfident, implemented under Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ program. As a result of the project, school eco-clubs operated in three small local communities in Poland, Romania, and Lithuania, exchanging experiences and inspiring each other throughout the project's duration. In 2023, three international meetings were held as part of this project:
Working meeting
Eco-club meeting
Evaluation meeting
A total of 50 young people, teachers, and youth workers from Poland, Lithuania, and Romania participated in the international activities of the "Become ECOnfident" project.
In 2023, we implemented a Polish-Ukrainian youth project titled Let me tell you a story – A year out of my country. The exchange took place under the Polish-Ukrainian Youth Exchange Council. A total of 40 people associated with the Heureka Generator association and the Ukrainian organization Development and Initiative were involved in this activity. The project's theme was supporting Ukraine following the aggression of the Russian Federation against the country.
We had the pleasure of being a partner in projects organized by our international partners:
Circus theater for inclusion 17-24.04.2023
Artivism Vest 03-11.07.2023
Mental Health 28-31.07.2023
GREENitiation 26.08-02.09.2023
Partnership beyond borders 07-11.11.2023
H.E.A.L.T.H. 2.0 01-11.12.2023
In 2023, youth and teachers from our partner schools were involved in 10 HEureka’s projects. Four of these took place abroad (Croatia, Romania, Hungary), where we were the Polish partner. Six projects were coordinated by us in Poland. A total of 55 people participated in our activities.
In 2023, during the youth exchange "Let me tell you a story – A year out of my country," we created a publication titled "Face to Face with War." It is available in three language versions on our website, under the Publications section.
By the end of 2023, HEureka featured 14 interviews with individuals who are connected to our activities in various ways, both locally and internationally. All interviews are available HERE.
Our WEBSITE has reached 18,000 views since its inception. All our activities are documented on the site. Thank you for visiting.
In 2023, our YouTube channel featured 37 videos documenting our local and international activities, and our channel had 221 subscribers. We invite everyone to visit our YOUTUBE CHANNEL to stay up to date with our actions.
In 2023, our FB FAN PAGE featured 124 news updates, links, and articles documenting our activities. In 2023, we had 1,201 followers. Thank you for following our actions and actively engaging with us.
In 2023, we conducted 5 theater games:
Gods in Trouble
Another Day at School
Awakening of Magic
Once Upon a Quest: Fairytales Harmony Chronicles
Get it Done by Midnight - Professor Baba Baba in Trouble
The games were attended by 95 Europeans interested in theater games. These participants included both long-time members of our network and new individuals interested in this method.
We recorded three debates that took place during our international activities: "Let Me Tell You a Story - A Year Out of My Country," "Development through Initiatives," and "UnFrozen Spotlights: Winter Theater Games Training Course." A total of 70 people participated in these debates.
By the end of 2023, our website, LIVING HISTORY LESSONS, had 9,314 views. Thank you for visiting our site.
In 2023, 304 people followed us on Instagram. Our Instagram stories related to our activities were viewed by an average of 100 people daily.
In 2023, we signed partnership cooperation agreements with:
Organization Swoi (Ukraine)
Amazonas (Croatia)
Youth Services of Järvenpää (Finland)
Mülkiye Bilimsel Araştırma ve Geliştirme Kooperatifi (Turkey)
DiP (Bulgaria)
Municipal Public Library in Podedwórze (Poland)
You can check video HERE
In 2022, the HEureka Generator association successfully implemented two international projects in frames of standard applying of the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 1, sector 'Youth'. One of these projects was a training course titled Work Online with Youth, in which 29 youth workers and volunteers from non-governmental organizations from Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, and Poland participated.
In the youth exchange titled 2 Art or not 2 Art, young individuals from Poland, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, and Romania participated. In total, there were 26 participants, and the exchange was preceded by a Advanced Planning Visit. You can learn more about the exchange HERE and HERE.
The main activities within both of these projects were significantly delayed, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and as a result, they took place in the year 2022.
In April 2022, we started our international activities under the received ACCREDITATION in the "Youth" field of the Erasmus+ programme. Within this accreditation, we organized three youth exchanges and a training course: Let me tell you a story - Help for Ukraine, Key to Your competences, Switch on active mode, 3m7o - Three Methods Seven Organizations. These activities involved 96 individuals from Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Romania, and Estonia.
In total, in our international activities in 2022, 151 Europeans participated. Actions, aligned with our mission and contribute to positive changes in our local communities. These changes include strengthening the openness and tolerance of the participants, increasing opportunities to get to know other European local communities, building new friendships, and improving the practical use of the English language. We also engaged seniors from our community in these activities.
We are delighted that the end of the pandemic has allowed us to slowly return to participating in projects abroad. We took part in a youth exchange titled Taboo & You, which took place in July 2022 in Denmark. The exchange was coordinated by our Danish partner organization, WAYS from Copenhagen.
We also participated in a youth exchange titled Active Citizens Today in Romania, with 9 HEureka Generator members taking part. The exchange was coordinated by our Romanian partner organization, PRO VITAM.
Many of our previously planned activities were changed after the Russian Federation's attack on Ukraine. In March and April, members and volunteers of our organization worked efficiently at the largest reception point for Ukrainian refugees in Zamość, located at Zamoyskiego str. 62, putting our previously planned activities on hold. Over the course of two months, more than 20,000 refugees received the necessary help and support thanks to inhabitants and volunteers from Zamość. We also created a dedicated section on our website to document our actions and encourage our Polish and international partners to actively support Ukrainian refugees, raising awareness among Europeans about the current situation in Ukraine.
During our activities, we conducted STREET ACTIONS in collaboration with our local and international partners to support Ukraine. We also engaged the local community in SUPPORTING UKRAINE. Our volunteers and youth associated with partner organizations expressed their SUPPORT for Ukraine.
We collaborated with the BASTION foundation from Zamość on three occasions. During these meetings, young people actively explored the history of Zamość. A total of 70 young individuals from Poland and abroad participated in these meetings. The meetings took place on February 7, July 13, and November 9.
Once again, we collaborated with the Zamojskie Voluntary Service Center, promoting the non-formal education method "Living History Lesson". Our partner presented its statutory activities and organized a meeting with Zamość seniors for European youth workers during our international training course titled 3m7o - Three Methods Seven Organizations. The MEETING took place on September 27, and 30 people participated in it.
In May, in cooperation with the Zamojskie Voluntary Service Center, we opened an EXHIBITION featuring drawings by the youngest residents of the reception point for Ukrainian refugees. The EXHIBITION was available at the Zamość Cultural Center "Okrąglak." Over the course of more than a month, the exhibition was visited by inhabitants of Zamość associated with local non-governmental organizations, beneficiaries of local projects, and regular patrons of the "Okrąglak" Cultural Center.
In June, an exhibition was held to promote the activities within the project Let me tell you a story - Help for Ukraine and was available at Primary School No. 10 with Integrated Classes in Zamość. The exhibition was promoted by a MEETING attended by over 50 students from the school, teachers, Zamość volunteers, and representatives of Zamość non-governmental organizations.
As part of the presentation of activities of Zamość non-governmental organizations, we met twice with our local partner, the SALVETE association. These meetings took place during our international youth meetings on February 7 and November 8, and they were attended by 50 young individuals and youth leaders from Poland and abroad.
During the projects we implemented, young people participated in city games, allowing them to actively explore places like Zamość and Lublin. City games facilitated numerous interactions with inhabitants on the streets of the cities.
Our project titled "BECOME ECONFIDENT" was accepted for implementation. We are carrying out this project as part of Key Action 2 of the European Erasmus+ programme. The activities will be conducted until January 2024. We are implementing the PROJECT in collaboration with our partners from Romania and Lithuania.
In 2022, youth and teachers from our partner schools were involved in 9 HEureka's projects. Two of the projects took place abroad (in Denmark and Romania), where we were Polish partner. Seven projects were coordinated by us in Poland. In these activities, 25 students and 3 teachers participated.
In the projects conducted in Poland, we visited, along with our international groups, our partner institutions such as C.K. Norwid Secondary School in Krasnystaw and J. Słowacki Primary School in Małochwiej Duży, where the participants of our projects and our volunteers are students on a daily basis. Approximately 70 students participated in each of these meetings. You can see an example of such a meeting HERE.
We thank our long term partners: C.K. Norwid Secondary School in Krasnystaw and J. Słowacki Primary School in Małochwiej Duży for our ongoing, long-term collaboration.
In 2022, we released a publication titled Let me tell you a story - Help for Ukraine. The publication was available in three language versions (Polish, English, and Ukrainian). It features interviews with Polish volunteers and Ukrainian refugees. The publication was distributed to school libraries and non-governmental organizations across Europe in printed version. We made it also available online in electronic format.
In 2022, we released a publication titled Work Online with You(th). This publication is for youth workers implementing debates with young people in both traditional and online formats, as well as for coordinators creating video materials to enhance the visibility of their projects.
After returning from our projects, participants and group leaders actively contribute to enhancing the visibility and results of our joint actions. This allows us to engage more young people in our subsequent activities, and those who took part in our initiatives have the opportunity to share what they have learned and the experiences they have gained. Examples of presentations in 2022:
Thanks to this organization of activities in collaboration with our partners, in 2022, we reached over 700 young Europeans who had the opportunity to learn about youth activities and civic engagement directly from young individuals who have participated in such initiatives.
On our website, there is a section where you can read interviews with individuals we have met along our work journey. Currently, there are 11 interviews available. We invite you to visit the section titled HEUREKIA.
Our WEBSITE has received 11,000 views since its beginning. The website documents all our activities. We would like to thank everyone for visiting.
In 2022, our YouTube channel featured 52 videos documenting our local and international actions, and our channel was subscribed to by 184 people. We invite everyone to visit our YOUTUBE CHANNEL to stay up to date with our activities.
On our FACEBOOK FAN PAGE, in 2022, we posted 228 news, links, and articles documenting our activities. In 2022, we had 1,148 followers. We appreciate everyone for following our activities and actively engaging with us.
In 2022, we conducted 7 theater games:
Black Hill Castle,
The problem at Mount Olympus,
Once upon a time, far far away,
Ancient secret,
Snow White and 7 Dwarfs,
Magic Wood,
Merry adventures of Robin Hood.
A total of 168 Europeans interested in theater games participated in these games, including both regular members of our network and new individuals interested in this method.
Debate training for European youth workers was part of an international training course titled 3M7O - 3 Methods 7 Organizations. The training course took place in Motycz Leśny near Lublin from September 21 to 29, 2022. The YOUTH DEBATE METHOD was also implemented by us during the youth exchange titled "Switch On Active Mode." A total of 45 people participated in the debates.
The video materials on our channel dedicated to Living history lessons have been viewed 12,500 times to date. We would like to thank to everyone for their interest.
In 2022, 205 people followed our Instagram account. Instastories related to our activities were viewed by an average of 70 people per day.
In 2022, we signed partnership agreements with the Croatian non-governmental organization LUMEN for international youth exchanges and training courses, the Romanian organization PRO VITAM for international youth exchanges and training courses, the Danish organization WAYS for international youth exchanges and training courses, Secondary School Complex No. 3 in Zamość for activities at the reception point for refugees, and Association SALVETE for study visits. You can find more information about these partners on our website.
In 2022, we were nominated for the national EDUInspirator award. This is a contest organized by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, which recognizes individuals who carry out international educational projects distinguished by their exceptional activity and high quality of their activities. You can find more information about this award here: EDUInspirator.
Andrzej Smyk and Krystyna Rybińska-Smyk received diplomas in the "Philanthropist of the Year" category during the annual "Pearls of Business" gala organized and conducted by Zamojska Kronika Tygodnia. Thank you for this distinction of our actions.
On October 27, we participated in the V Congress of Education, which took place at the University of Warsaw. The congress was organized by the National Agency for the Erasmus+ programme and the European Solidarity Corps. This annual event brings together individuals involved in various aspects of education in Poland at all levels. HEureka was represented by the Chairperson of the Board, Andrzej Smyk.
At the end of November 2022, we participated in a seminar titled Contemporary Challenges and Educational Opportunities in Times of Crises, organized in Warsaw by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System. During the seminar, a marketplace of good practices was held. We presented our 'good practice' projects. There was also a panel discussion related to the main theme of the seminar, with one of the invited guests being Andrzej Smyk, the chairperson of the HEureka Generator.
On December 14th, we took part in the annual Volunteer Gala. The gala combined the annual recognition of Zamość's volunteers with a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Zamojskie Voluntary Center. During the ceremony, HEureka Generator received appreciation from the city authorities and the Zamojskie Voluntary Center for its voluntary activities in support of refugees in 2022 and for the overall collaboration with the Zamojskie Voluntary Center.
Video is available HERE
In 2021, the HEureka Generator association carried out two international projects under the Erasmus+ program, Key Action 1, 'Youth' sector:
Training course V&D which focused on methods of strengthening visibility and dissemination in youth projects (with partners from Croatia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania, Poland). 22 youth workers from these countries took part in the training course.
Youth Exchange LARP it up, during which the main method used to discuss the topic of social exclusion were theater games. The project was implemented with partners from Lithuania and Slovakia. Participants of the project were 29 young people, including students from our partner schools, and 6 leaders.
In 2021, the HEureka Generator association carried out a Polish-Ukrainian youth exchange entitled We will manage, which topic was the daily functioning of young people during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was financed by the Polish-Ukrainian Youth Exchange Council from the Ministry of Education and Science grant and involved 28 young participants from Poland and Ukraine and 4 leaders from these two countries.
The HEureka Generator association in 2021 was the official partner of three international projects:
Youth Exchange Sexed 2: Flowers, Bees and Other Taboos (Hungary), the main topic of which was sharing knowledge about human sexuality and promoting the idea of openness in this area. 37 people from 7 countries took part in it.
Youth Exchange #WEuropeans (Hungary) on the topic of active citizenship and European identity. It was attended by 36 people from 6 countries, including 6 participants from our partner school.
Youth Exchange H.E.A.L.TH. - Health Enriches And Lightens Thinking (Hungary) on the topic of physical and mental health of young people. 36 people from 6 countries took part in it.
On 5th of May, 2021, we took part in the international Open Space prepared by The aim of the Open Space was to present ideas for cooperation in frames of the Erasmus+ programme with an emphasis on partnerships under Key Action 2. Apart from Heureka, the meeting was attended by youth organizations and institutions from Italy, North Macedonia, Ireland, Greece, Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria, Georgia and Kenya.
The HEureka Generator Association in 2021 organized a study visit for the participants of the 15th and 16th editions of the School for Leaders of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation to share good practices.
The HEureka Generator Association in 2021, as part of partnership cooperation with the Cultural Center in Kęty, organized workshops on effective educational methods in working with a group and creating international youth projects. 9 people took part in the workshops.
On 24th of February, 2021, we received information from the Polish National Agency of the Erasmus+ programme that our application for accreditation under the Erasmus+ program in the field of 'Youth' was accepted. In practice, this means stable funding of our activities for young people over the next few years. Our accreditation number: 2020-1-PL01-KA150-YOU-096538.
The restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic in the second half of 2021 were slightly smaller. Thanks to this, interactions with the inhabitants of Zamość became possible.
On 3rd of August, during our 'V&D - Visibility and dissemination' training course, we met in Zamość with the Bastion foundation. The training course was devoted to increasing the visibility of project activities, and the Bastion foundation is one of the best showpieces of our city. Therefore, the participants learned about our local good practices.
At the turn of October and November 2021, during the youth exchange 'LARP it Up', we conducted a city game, during which participants talked with Zamość inhabitants about the history of our city. We also met with the vice mayor of the Zamość city, Ms Anna Maria Antos and again with the Bastion Foundation.
We continue to cooperate with the seniors gathered around the Zamojskie Voluntary Service Center association and with the Siberian Exiles Association - Zamość Branch. As a result of cooperation, we have developed two more living history lessons in Polish and English, which are available on the website that we administer and the YouTube channel of the same name administered also by us.
On the YouTube channel of the network, more video materials were posted. Videos documents some of our theater games. At the end of 2021, 18 materials were already available there.
On the website of the association HEureka Generator, we have expanded the tab dedicated to this network and theater games. In addition to video materials, there are also numerous photo galleries from the games.
In 2021, we implemented 4 theater games as part of our network:
Sleeping Town - in August 2021
Filip ran away - in October 2021
Stevie - October 2021
Kingdom in trouble - in November 2021
In 2021, we registered recordings of three more debates, which can be viewed in the debate club's tab on the website
Consumption of the alcohol on E+ projects should not be allowed
Production of T-shirts to increase visibility of youth projects is a waste of money
Media is a key reason of depression in COVID-19 times
We have put two new lessons on the website
Mrs. Kazimiera Jamroz - The war in the eyes of a child
Mr. Franciszek Duda - Forced laborers in the Third Reich
At the end of 2021, 150 videos documenting our activities were available on the YouTube channel of the association HEureka Generator. These are interviews with project participants, recordings of the debates, theater games, live history lessons, and summaries of the activities. Our channel was followed in 2021 by 125 subscribers.
We still run the news blog. We use it mainly to present statistics and final effects of our projects.
The website of the HEureka Generator association, established in 2020, at, has been significantly expanded. We published there: all the projects we have completed so far and their final effects; numerous examples of projects abroad in which we participated; descriptions of the methods we use; data of all our partners in Poland and abroad; archive of media news about the HEureka Generator association. We are still working on the development of the website.
We have published an extended version of our publication, which is the result of the project entitled Projects do not fall from the sky, which we carried out in 2019. The previous version of the project was prepared in English. Due to the new edition of the Erasmus+ programme, we decided to translate the publication into Polish and enrich both versions with additional useful content.
As part of the Polish-Ukrainian youth exchange entitled "We will manage", we have created a publication containing a description of our activities, participants' opinions and descriptions of participating organizations. The aim of the publication is to present what the youth exchange is, for those who will take part in it for the first time in the near future.
In 2020, the HEureka Generator association carried out two international projects under the Erasmus + program, Key Action 1, 'Youth' sector:Training course ‘Make the lead’ focused on leadership in youth projects (with partners from Greece, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia);
Training course ‘V&D’ focused on methods strenghtening visibility and dissemination in youth projects (with partners from Croatia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania, Poland). Project suspended until 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic
So far, 30 European youth workers and youth leaders (Make the lead) have been directly involved in the projects, and another 22 completed the preparatory phase of the 'V&D' project.
In 2020, the HEureka Generator association carried out a Polish-Ukrainian online youth exchange entitled 'I will read you', which was based on the 'Human library' method. It was held within the framework of the Polish-Ukrainian Youth Exchange Council and involved 28 young participants from Poland and Ukraine and 4 leaders from these two countries.
The HEureka Generator association was the official partner of six international projects. However, all projects of our foreign partners in 2020 were suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will inform you soon about new dates as they will be implemented in 2021.
In 2020, the HEureka Generator Association implemented a project under the 'Culture on the web' program of the National Cultural Center entitled ''.
As part of the project, a website was created, on which we archived the results of all parts of the international series 'Let me tell you a story...', we posted a description of the method and created video versions of a living history lessons with five seniors from the Zamość region (Siberian; Volhynian; Partisan; Senior who spent his childhood during the war; a member of a Polish partisan family).
A youtube channel was also created. It is titled ‘Living history lessons’. We collect there all the lessons we have completed.
It was a very successful year for us in this frames. Seniors from our region told their life stories, and we saved these meetings in electronic files and in the form of video materials.Thanks to a grant from the National Center for Culture, we have created a website that will be developed over the coming years. Currently, it includes very well documented interviews with six seniors from Zamość and areas around the city, and we are planning more. These ready-made interviews are advertised by our foreign partners.
Cooperation during the interviews resulted in the signing of partner declarations with organizations associating seniors in our city. We are very proud of it, and our cooperation continues to develop.
The inhabitants of the Zamość region (7 young people and 3 adults) also took part in our Polish-Ukrainian online exchange, thanks to which we could be active in these difficult times related to the pandemic and contribute to strengthening tolerance and openness in our local communities.
In October 2020, we created and conducted another theater game during the international training course Make the lead. Thanks to this, other people (youth workers, youth) got to know the method advertised by us.
We also worked on the expansion of the 'Imaginary realms' youtube channel , where we archive theater games organized by us and our partners. At the end of 2020, we have 16 videos there.
We have created an international youth exchange titled 'LARP it up' based on theater game method. It was submitted in the third deadline of 2020 under Key Action 1 of the European Erasmus + program. We will know results in December 2020.
We have edited and archived all the debates recorded so far. A special tab has been created on our website with the description of the method, the history of its use by Heureka and links to all existing video materials.
A tab with the description of the method and a link to the website has been created on our website, which collects all the results of our activities related to it. A 2021 schedule was also created for the implementation of subsequent living history lessons. We prepared it in cooperation with local organizations gathering seniors from Zamość.
On the HEureka’s youtube channel, We successively posted video materials documenting all our activities in 2020. At the end of the year, 109 materials are available on the channel, most of which are available in Polish and English language version.
Our previous website has been transformed into an informative blog.
In the second half of 2020, during three months of work, a new website of our organization was created, which is available at
The website details all our activities, working methods and partnerships. It is available in Polish and English.
In the second half of 2020, we prepared project applications that were submitted in the 3rd 2020 deadline under the European Erasmus+ program.
These are: training course – ‘Work online with you (th)’, contact making seminar – ‘Be my partner’, youth exchange – ‘2 art or not 2 art’, youth exchange – ‘I present myself’.
Our online youth exchange entitled 'I will read you' will be included in a publication presenting good practices of Polish Ukrainian youth projects. The publication is being prepared by the Polish-Ukrainian Council of Youth Exchange.
HEureka received a distinction in the nationwide SELFIE+ contest organized by the Fundation for the Development of the Education System. We received it for the photo 'Stereotypes block the world' in the 'European values in my project' category.
The president of the HEureka Generator association, Andrzej Smyk, was nominated for the EDUInspirator 2020 award in the 'Non-formal education of young people' category. The nationwide competition is being prepared by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System.
Change of the organization's statute:
In 2019, changes to the Board of the organization and Audit Committee of our organization were made.
The changes were approved during the general meeting of members on November 12, 2018. Changes appeared in the Register of Associations on January 17, 2019.
Our international activities:
In 2019, the HEureka Generator Association implemented five international projects under the Erasmus+ Program, Key Action 1, sector 'Youth':
Youth exchange 'Talk, talk' based on diversed debate methods (with partners from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Latvia).
Youth exchange 'Read me' based on Human Library method (with partners from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Latvia).
Youth exchange 'Time is on our side', with time management as main topic (partners from Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Latvia Romania and Hungary).
Sharing experiences Seminar titled 'Projects are not falling from the sky' focused on discussing proper implementation of youth projects (with partners from Romania, Slovakia, North Macedonia, Estonia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Estonia, Croatia i Poland).
Youth exchange 'Let me tell you a story - Grandparents' based on the ‘living history lesson’ (with partners from Greece, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia).
30 young people and youth leaders (HEureka Generator’s volunteers, youth from our partner schools) were involved in this projects.
International activities in which our organization was a partner:
In 2019, the HEureka Generator Association was a partner in 10 international projects within the Erasmus+ Program, Key Action 1, the 'Youth' section:
2 Training courses attended by 4 youth workers related to HEureka Generator.
1 seminar attended by 2 participants related to HEureka Generator.
7 youth exchanges attended by 40 young people from our region, including leaders.
The projects were organized with our trusted partners from Romania (3), Hungary (2), Cyprus (1), Croatia (1), Latvia (3).
Joining the Polish network of Human Libraries:
On November 22-24, 2019, we participated in the 2nd Forum of Human Libraries in Wrocław. During the forum, the organizers of Human Libraries discussed how to implement the method at schools and how to cooperate with business. We also planned the activities of the Human Library Poland network.
Our participation in the forum has decisively expanded our plans of implementation Human Library method in our local community.
Cooperation with the inhabitants of the Zamojskie region:
We involved the inhabitants of our city in all the activities we organized. Citizens of Zamość were heroes of our books we have published. Young people from local schools took part in international projects advertising our region, teachers and youth workers from our partner schools participated in training courses, seminars and youth exchanges (as leaders) in Poland and abroad.
In 2019, we implemented 5 international projects, thanks to which Zamość was visited by over 150 people from Hungary, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Estonia, Lithuania, Croatia, Italy and Taiwan.
More than 70 inhabitants of our region took part in international youth exchanges and training courses for youth workers, which were held in Romania, Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary and Croatia.
We are glad that for the third year we can add our input to the activities of all those who enhance the visibility of our city and its neighborhoods in Europe and the rest of the World.
Work on expanding the informal IMAGINARY REALMS network
The ‘theater games’ method enthusiasts network that we have been administering since 2016 has not been adapted to the current online visibility standards. In 2019, we started work on creating a youtube channel that will document projects, initiatives and activities in which network members have used this method.
The plan outlined by the members of HEureka also provides for a new website dedicated to the network and the method itself.
3 members of HEureka Generator participate directly in the activities
Beginning of work on the visibility of the international debate club
By the decision of the members of the HEureka Generator association, we decided to systematize our activities related to the use of debating methods in our local and international initiatives. In 2019, materials regarding our 4-year activities related to the use of the method were prepared and a website and YouTube channel design was prepared. These will be our tools for future projects.
The task is managed by 2 members of HEureka Generator.
Beginning of work on the visibility of the ‘living history lessons’ method
By the decision of the members of the HEureka Generator association, we decided to systematize our activities related to the use of the ‘living history lessons' method in our local and international initiatives. In 2019, archive materials related to the use of the method were prepared, together with website and YouTube channel. These will be our tools for future projects.
The task is managed by 2 members of HEureka Generator.
HEureka Generator’s Youtube channel:
Our channel is developing rapidly and continues to be our important work tool, which builds trust in our organization and creates numerous opportunities to present topics that are important to us and to young people.
There are currently 79 materials available on the channel. Most of them are available in the PL and ENG language versions.
Cooperation with partner schools:
We continue to develop cooperation with our partner schools, which received cooperation offers from us throughout the year (participation in international and local projects, educational visits, training for teachers).
Our active partners are:
Bilingual Elementary School ‘SMART SCHOOL’ in Zamość
Children of the Zamojskie Region Secondary School nr. 4 with Integration Branches in Zamość
C. K. Norwid Secondary School in Krasnystaw
W. Jagiełło Secondary School in Krasnystaw
P. Firlej Secondary School in Lubartów
J. Słowacki Elementary School in Małochwiej Duży
International cooperation:
The implementation of international projects has allowed us to both deepen cooperation with existing partners and start new partnerships. At the end of 2019, we have 16 foreign partners with whom we support each other in our daily work and together we implement ideas in line with the missions of our organizations.
Our international activities:
In 2018, the HEureka Generator Association implemented three international projects in frames of the Erasmus + program, Key Action 1, 'Youth' sector:
Youth exchange 'Let me tell you a story - Whissper of exile' based on the "living history lesson" method (with partners from Hungary, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Romania).
Experience sharing seminar 'Let me tell you how to tell the story' prepared with our partners from Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Cyprus, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia and North Macedonia.
Youth exchange 'Talk, Talk' based on different debate styles (in cooperation with our partners from Hungary, Latvia and Czech Republic).
18 young people, youth leaders and project coordinators associated with HEureka Generator were involved in this projects.
We have implemented an international project within the framework of the Polish-Ukrainian Council of Youth Exchange entitled 'Let's Debate'. The project involved 14 young people associated with HEureka Generator, 2 youth leaders, a coordinator and regular volunteers of our organization.
International activities in which our organization was a partner:
In 2018, the HEureka Generator association was a partner in 16 international projects under the Erasmus + program, Key Action 1, 'Youth' sector:
3 training courses attended by 7 participants working with young people in their daily work.
11 youth exchanges attended by 70 young people from the Lubelskie region of Poland.
Projects were organized in cooperation with our trusted partners from Hungary (5), Latvia (3), Czech Republic (2), Romania (2), Cyprus (1) and Lithuania (1).
Cooperation with the inhabitants of the Zamojskie region of poland:
We have included the inhabitants of Zamość, Krasnystaw, Zwierzyniec, Małochwiej Duży, and Rokitno in all the activities we organize.
The Siberian exiles from our region were the heroes of our international project.
Members of HEureka Generator volunteered to coordinate actions of a Polish groups of youth and youth workers in 14 projects abroad, thanks to which our local community received numerous opportunities for high-level development.
In 2019, we implemented 5 international projects, thanks to which Zamość was visited by 60 people from Hungary, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia and North Macedonia.
Cooperation with schools in our region:
Throughout the year, we started or deepened cooperation with schools in our region, which had a great impact on the scope and quality of HEureka Generator activities. We have signed declarations of cooperation with our partner schools. Those are:
Bilingual Elementary School ‘SMART SCHOOL’ in Zamość
Children of the Zamojskie Region Secondary School nr. 4 with Integration Branches in Zamość
C. K. Norwid Secondary School in Krasnystaw
W. Jagiełło Secondary School in Krasnystaw
P. Firlej Secondary School in Lubartów
J. Słowacki Elementary School in Małochwiej Duży
As part of the cooperation, we organized 2 trainings for teachers on non-formal education methods, we implemented the methods we promoted in schools: living history lessons, Oxford debates, theater games, human library. Thanks to our projects, young people from all partner schools were a part of numerous interactions with their peers from all over Europe.
HEureka Generator’s youtbe channel:
We developed the youtube channel, which was established in November 2017. Currently, the channel is a very important tool in our activities. It informs about our successes, builds trust, gives young people a chance to express themselves on topics important to them, and educates. Throughout the year, we posted 28 materials on the channel. Most of them are available in the PL and ENG language versions.
Prizes and awards:
The 'Keep talking' project implemented by us in 2017 as part of the Polish-Ukrainian Council of Youth Exchange was nominated for the EduInspiracje 2018 award in yearly contest organized by Foundation for the Development of the Education System.
The President of HEureka Generator, Andrzej Smyk, was nominated for the EduInspirator 2018 award in yearly contest organized by Foundation for the Development of the Education System.
Our international activities:
In 2017, the HEureka Generator Association implemented two international projects in frames of the Erasmus + program, Key Action 1, 'Youth' sector:
1 experience sharing seminar focused on development of young European non-governmental organizations, in which 17 employees and youth workers of non-governmental organizations participated (Polska, Croatia, Romania, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Cyprus)
1 youth exchange attended by 31 participants aged 16-30, together with leaders (Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Cyprus). This project started in 2017, was closed on February 28, 2018.
HEureka Generator as local partner of international projects in our region:
In 2017, the HEureka Generator Association was a local partner of two international projects in frames of the Erasmus + program, Key Action 1, the 'Youth' sector implemented by Happy Childhood Foundation from Lublin:
2 seminars with a total of 44 youth workers (of which 5 from HEureka Generator). The seminars were devoted to the development of international partnerships and the exchange of non-formal education tools. Our organization was responsible for coordination of local study visits.
International activities in which our organization was a partner:
In 2017, the HEureka Generator Association was a partner of 12 international projects in frames of the Erasmus + program, Key Action 1, 'Youth' sector:
6 youth exchanges attended by a total of 36 participants aged 16-30, including leaders.
6 training courses attended by a total of 16 participants who work with young people on a daily basis.
Activities were organized in cooperation with our trusted partners from the Czech Republic (3), Hungary (2), Romania (1), Italy (2), Croatia (1) and Lithuania (1).
Regional activities:
On January 20, 2017, members of HEureka Generator, Katarzyna Kurowska and Justyna Golecka, in cooperation with the Youth Cultural Center in Suchowola, prepared and conducted circus workshops for children from grades 1-3 and 4-6. It was our next activity, after the Christmas workshops in the Summer aimed at activating children and young people. from the smaller towns of our region.
Together with our local partner – Public Library in Rokitno, on December 16, we conducted Christmas circus workshops for children and youth. The workshops were conducted by a member of our organization, Katarzyna Kurowska. It was the second edition of the christmas workshops in Rokitno.
HEureka Generator was the official strategic partner of the 'CHECK IT' IT conference organized by the 'LUBELSKA WYŻYNA IT'. The event took place on March 15, 2017 in the 'hala TARGÓW LUBLIN S.A.' building at Dworcowa Street 11 in Lublin. Our contribution was to conduct workshops aimed at creative thinking, group cooperation and learning to juggle to improve the cooperation of the cerebral hemispheres. We used diversed non-formal education methods.
Recruiting volunteers:
Members and the board of HEureka Generator created a volunteer recruitment system for our organization. Thanks to the created system, we are able to effectively cooperate with young people, accurately satisfying the needs of both young people and organization.
Design and publication of a leaflet:
Our Association is the administrator of the informal international network of the Theater Games fans - Imaginary Realms. We advertise theater games as a method of non-formal education in the projects we create. In 2017, we edited a leaflet about the method, which is now helping us during workshops, training courses and seminars.
HEureka Generator’s Youtube channel:
At the end of 2017, we opened the youtube channel. By the end of December, there were 3 video materials documenting the 'The Best of Us' seminar, the 'Keep Talking' youth exchange and the 'Progress Generators' seminar. Work on the development of the channel is ongoing.
Founding meeting:
On July 8, 2016 in Zamość, the founding meeting of the HEureka Generator Association took place. 8 people participated in the meeting. Andrzej Smyk opened the session by presenting the proposed agenda. Katarzyna Kurowska was elected chairman of the meeting, and Ewa Kostrubiec as the secretary.
During the meeting, the final content of the statute was agreed, which was adopted unanimously in an open vote.
The following were elected to the organization board for the 2016/2017 term: Andrzej Smyk (President of the Board), Alicja Nowogrodzka (Vice-President of the Board), Karolina Szczepanik (Member of the Board).
The following were elected to the Audit Committee for the 2016/2017 term: Ewa Kostrubiec (Committee Chairman) and Krystyna Mazurek (Committee Member).
After making corrections in the documents, our organization was finally entered in the register of associations on 03/11/2016.
Workshops and regional initiatives:
We conducted Christmas workshops for children in Rokitno near Lubartów. Three-hour workshops were held on 12 and 26 November and on 3 December 2016, so that the decorations created by the children could be exhibited at the Lubartów Commune Office for the Christmas holiday season. The first part of the workshop, which took place on November 12 in the Library in Rokitno, gathered several dozen children. Some came together with moms who were as much involved in the workshops as their kids. The initiator of the workshops was a member of HEureka Generator, Krolina Szczepaknik, who coordinated all activities related to this initiative.
The HEureka Generator Association prepared Christmas packages, which in were given to families in difficult economical situation. The initiative was prepared in cooperation with the Salvete Association from Zamość.
HEureka Generator is the administrator of the informal international network IMAGINARY REALMS
In early December, HEureka took over the responsibility of administering the activities of the network, which has been operating since 2010 and brings together over 30 European NGOs. Our tasks include:
- maintaining contacts between network members,
- acquiring new members,
- creating projects and initiatives based on theater games,
- work on adjusting the method to different profile groups,
- advertisement of theater games as an effective method of non-formal education.